Tuesday, September 25, 2007

intro to Indonesia

hi world,

let me introduce you to a country in south east Asia which consists of thousands islands and various kinds of ethnic groups. This country is Indonesia, with 33 provinces and 5 big island which are Sumatra,Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. The people use their ethnic language for daily conversation but the national language is Bahasa Indonesia which is taught and used by children since primary schools.

Bahasa Indonesia system is easy to understand since it doesn't use what we call "tenses" like in English. So we don't have to remember many kinds of verbs in different forms. But Bahasa is often influenced by dialects of Indonesian people and the usage of Bahasa in different area sometimes sounds funny to other ethnic group.
OK, if I want to know your condition and health, I must ask "Apa kabar?"
So everybody, apa kabar?

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